5 Myths About Hiring a Competition Coach



bikini competition

Many people dream of their figure competition and hoisting that trophy.

They’re willing to do a lot of things to reach that pinnacle, as demonstrated by the amount of time and money spent on competition prep.

This includes spending a lot of money on hiring a top bikini or figure competition coach.

There are, however, a lot of myths associated with hiring a prep coach.

bikini body guide

These myths have the potential to cost you a lot more than just lots of cash and wasted time.

Count on endless stress and even permanent damage to your health in the long run, if you aren’t careful in your bikini or figure competition prep coach selection.

The following are the five most common myths associated with hiring a competition coach that I have found..

Myth #1: “I will be in shape for my first figure contest in just a couple of weeks.”

Getting into bikini or figure competition shape takes time, and nothing you do will shorten it down to a couple weeks!

In fact, you will need to doggedly stick to your coach’s plan for at least a month before you can even begin to notice any change in your body’s physique.

Anything faster than this is impossible, and pushing yourself to develop muscles by pumping iron three times daily, every day of the week while losing three pounds of fat every day is extremely dangerous for your health.

bikini body

Any decent competition prep coach knows this very well.



Myth #2: “I need specialized supplements to look like a competitor.”

Supplement companies will deny it…

Online supplement stores will deny it…

Anyone affiliated with or sponsored by a supplement company will deny it…

But the truth of the matter is that you can get into figure competition contest shape using only your body, food, cardio, and a great training program from a top figure coach.

Protein Powders, BCAA’s, Fat Burners, Nitric Oxide Boosters…

And any other supplement that is “mandatory” in the supplement companies view are NOT necessary to look like your favorite IFBB pro or for you to get in shape!

An experienced, specialized bikini or figure competition coach will help you focus on your goals of winning that show and keep your on track with her knowledge, support and program alone.

Supplements do help but are in no way a substitute for a great prep coach!



Myth #3: “I have to do hours and hours of cardio to get a figure body.”

A common mistake figure coaches make when designing a plan for a women’s figure or bikini competition is putting emphasis on hours upon hours of cardio rather than the correct diet.

A single 30-minute session of intense, post-workout cardio can be more effective than ten grueling hour-long sessions a week — it’s all in what works for the individual.

The mark of a good competition coach is the fact that she pays attention to how your body reacts when your diet and training are pushed to their limits.

Your health is THE most important concept to keep in mind.

Whichever coach you work with needs to both know and emphasis this fact.

Cardio can be determined and added only after those aspects are in place.

You need to make sure that you continually keep in touch with your coach and make sure she listens to you and your body.

There is something to be said about working with and treating you like a best friend – not her paycheck!

You should be able to effectively sculpt your body to perfection without hours and hours of cardio daily.

Unfortunately most don’t realize how bad this is for long term health before it’s too late.

This is why it’s extremely important to choose your coach wisely.

She better know what she is doing!!




Myth #4: “I only need to focus on exercise to get into figure competition shape.”

Competition prep is as much about proper diet as it is about training correctly.

Which is why you need to watch out for uneducated bikini or figure prep coaches when hiring one for a show.

Normally you get what you pay for!

Remember that!!

This especially applies to those “guru” coaches who have a reputation in the industry for giving out cookie cutter diets.

As even a slightly incorrect diet that doesn’t get adjusted frequently enough will keep those abs covered in fat.

Cookie cutter diets that don’t allow any food exchanges also can prevent you from mentally being ready to step on stage.

Mix in the physical demands of being a woman…

Dealing with the “normal” stress of family complications…

Stresses of every day life…

And you’re bound to put your own body in great peril if you don’t hire someone who knows what they are doing.

Your health and life are literally in their hands.



Myth #5: “I don’t need to get in touch with my coach that frequently, so ease of communication isn’t important.”

Oh, you bet your booty it’s THAT important!

How are you going to know what to change, modify, and adapt in your diet, cardio, and training routine if you cant even get a hold of your figure competition coach when you need her?

If she’s nowhere to be found when you have questions, are unsure of something, or simply need some support…

There’s zero chance of you ever coming into that show looking and feeling your best.

No wonder most coaches resort to endless cardio sessions and starvation diets; they don’t want the responsibility of closely monitoring their client and communicating with her to make sure her prep is nothing short of optimal.

And one other thing.

How will you ever know how to come into your show correctly when your coach is unavailable every hour of every day during your final week?

Every detail of this last week is absolutely crucial to you stepping on stage looking your best.

If your coach doesn’t require daily check-ins during this final stretch, consider that a BIG TIME NO!




This bikini or figure competition journey is not a one-time thing that ends once you spend a week on your diet in hopes of achieving your desired physique.

You need to keep going at it for weeks and years on end if you ever hope to make those magazine covers and reaching ultimate success in this industry — and beyond.

Choose a competition prep diet and training coach wisely, as she will need to learn the ins and outs of your body, as well as your emotional needs.

She’ll need to know you, in and out, better than you know yourself in order to really help you reach those goals you’re after.

However if you do find the right coach, she’ll be there for you for years to come on your journey to stardom.

Sometimes you might even make a new best friend.

If you pick the wrong one you will lose money, blood, sweat, and tears — all that hard work will go to waste, and you’ll be left with nothing but a ruined metabolism and health problems for years to come!.

Bust these competition coaching myths, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a fitness star!

Who knows?

Maybe I will see you on the cover of your favorite magazine!!

Oh and by the way… if you do need help..feel free to reach out at any point!

Also stop by our FB community and comment on this article… love to know your thoughts and questions.

Please share this resource with anyone you feel it might help =-)



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